S08-04 02

Questioning the validity of smartphones as a creative tool among young people. Perception, thinking and feeling as the main focus.


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Beatriz Chaves BuenoUniversidad de Granada


Smartphone communications are becoming more and more popular nowadays, not only among teenagers, but it´s also rocketing in adults. From the very beginnings, Nokia mobile caught our eyes, in spite of the fact that it seemed a heavy brick. However, just a few years later, nobody could imagine such unbelievable gadgets were going to come. To tell you the truth, smartphones have drastically changed our lives. Can you imagine life without your smartphone? Probably not. It´s true that relationships are nowhere near as warm as a few years ago. Even so, most people believe that upsides are considerably bigger than drawbacks. Take the case of a person who teleworks and who most of the time has to travel abroad. Today this option is perfectly possible thanks to our smartphone, which is able to navigate thanks to the range of applications installed on it.

But could this negatively affect people’s creative development? According to the academic Viktor Lowenfeld (1957), all creative processes are centred on perception, thinking and feeling. Is it possible that the continued use of mobile phones is taking us away from a balanced creative development?

This paper is an approach that tries to clarify this controversial question by collecting data for high school groups. A sample of 50 students between 15 and 17 years of age has been collected, reflecting the daily use of mobile phones and their uses in everyday life. The point is: Is mobile phones a creative tool for young people?

According to the research, technology is taking over and we can see a whole of tech measures which are developing a new society. However, these set of changes deserves a particular mention. Change is happening so fast that even can be deluding people. For what having a better future is concerned, I ́d like to point that probably, some tech breakthroughs should be controlled. When it comes to modern devices, this shouldn ́timply any human development harm. At the rate we are going, progress represents an extremely dangerous change.

On the whole, smartphones are an amazing tool, but they have both pros and cons, and they have to be use appropriately. There is a world of diferences between the current and the previous lifestyle, but in terms of communication, smartphone really means comfort. As the way I see it, we are living an awkward social situation because of technology. Youngsters are absolutely over the moon about their smartphones and they tend to communicate only by chatting. In fact, researchers in biobehavioural medicine have recently concluded that smartphones are having a dual-sided effect on human interactions. As far as I´m concerned, the conscious use of smartphones is a commitment to the future that we must all have.

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      Vicente Pérez Moreira

      Comentó el 20/03/2024 a las 14:44:44

      Saludos Beatriz,
      Interesante estudio, me queda la duda de si son los estudiantes a quienes se debe preguntar sobre los beneficios o aportes de los teléfonos inteligentes en el aula, me parece que es como preguntar a un fumador sobre los beneficios del cigarrillo.
      ¿Cómo podrías incorporar este sesgo de «Adicción» en tu investigación?
      Hoy me parece que padres y profesores tienden a estar de acuerdo en lo perjudicial del uso de estas tecnologías en jóvenes, pero esto es una impresión mía nada más.
      Muchas gracias, saludos

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        Beatriz Chaves Bueno

        Comentó el 20/03/2024 a las 19:04:09

        Hola de nuevo, Vicente.
        En ese sentido preguntamos a los estudiantes cuestiones concretas con la intención de conocer de forma precisa la forma en la que emplean el smartphone en el aula. Una de las preguntas, la que se muestra en el visionado, es a cerca de las preferencias sobre herramientas creativas de trabajo por parte de los estudiantes. Según los resultados obtenidos, los estudiantes no prefieren el móvil como primera opción. Un 52% de los encuestados prefiere las dinámicas de grupo como herramienta creativa en el aula. Decidimos tomar este dato como punto de partida para la validación del smartphone como herramienta ya que a veces, aunque determinadas cuestiones parezcan muy obvias, si se consultan nos pueden sorprender todavía más.
        El sesgo de adicción fue contemplado desde el momento en que empecé a cuestionar la validez del smartphone como herramienta creativa en la enseñanza. Hay datos objetivos de que el uso prolongado de los teléfonos inteligentes incrementa los problemas de salud mental entre los jóvenes. Desde ahí, ya tenemos un problema principal por el que quizá nunca deberíamos haber transitado en la educación.
        Muchas gracias por interesarse en la ponencia. Espero haber aclarado sus inquietudes.

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