S09-36 04



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Helda Abu OmarUniversidad de Granada


Palestinian professional perceptions about gender violence, impacts of violence against women in Palestine, honor crimes, social workers, NGO´s and governmental organizations.


In the twenty-first century, one of the issues that modern societies, international organizations, government institutions, and civil society organizations face is violence against women. Concern for women’s issues is a criterion by which peoples’ and societies’ progress is measured. It has also taken on historical, cultural, and societal dimensions as a human rights and democracy issue. It is not limited to a place without the other, nor a time without the other, nor a civilized or backward society, but rather an issue related to man’s existence and the relationships between a man and a woman. It is a global problem that has existed since the dawn of time. Even though previous studies were conducted in the Palestinian Community It provided important information about a woman’s experience with spousal violence or individual abuse and violence her family, however, there is still a great lack of research on the different dimensions of violence against women outside the family in Arab societies, including in Palestine. For this reason, this research has conducted

Litterateur review

Studies on women are so numerous and varied that it is difficult to review them in a specific period. However, to the extent available, a number of these studies that dealt with the issue of violence against women in Palestine have been reviewed. In literature, we found some studies focused on the violence against women and conducted in Palestine and Jordan such as (Yahia, 2000; Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics 2006, 2008, 2016; Sad’s, 2015; Awaouda’s, 2002; Al-Assal, 2003; Al-Tarawneh, 2003; Al-Taher, 2000; Baldi, 2018). According to Palestinian Central Bureau, Palestine is among the countries that suffer from an average prevalence of violence against women.


The main methodology was mixed through interviews and questionnaires. 16 interviews has been conducted and 160 surveys questionnaire with professional workers in institutions governmental and no governmental that are considered first responders to cases exposed to violence like : lawyers, social workers, police officers, psychologists, and researchers.

Research aims:

The main aims of this proposal are two: Firstly to know the perceptions about the impact of the educational, economic, social and psychological level on violence against women in Palestinian society, from the point of view of worker in governmental and  non -governmental institution. Secondly, to know the different proposal from those professionals in order to resolve the issues of violence, to eliminate it and to protect women.

Preliminary Results

This is an on going research and we are organizing and analyzing the data from interviews and questions. Preliminary results shown that in the Palestinian society, violence against women exists as part of patriarchal social structures and is an intentional pattern of behavior utilized to establish and maintain power and control over a female partner. been conducted

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      Dominik Hamm

      Comentó el 05/04/2024 a las 11:19:52

      Dear Helda,

      thank you for presenting this very important work. Are there so far any indicators that the experiences of violence against women differs between regions within the Palestinian Territories?

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        Helda Abu Omar

        Comentó el 10/04/2024 a las 00:07:54

        sorry for the delay in responding to the comment .preliminary result in research indicate that villages suffer from a higher rate of violence than cities and camps in the Palestinian territories due to the nature of the social structure in the villages in term population .consanguineous marriage and other factors

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      Helda Abu Omar

      Comentó el 21/03/2024 a las 01:08:47

      hola belen. this is not a comparative study between arab societies and western countries. However .i will explain to you
      that are very big differences between crimes against women in arab countries and crime against women in western countries . crimes in arab societies including Palestine .the .killing is done ( women) in the name of honor .and the motives maybe many like economic. social psychological and this due to structure of the patriarchal authoritarian society as for western societies .the killing women is due several reason also but .. it is not necessarily due to culture or the restriction of their freedom -such as establishing relationship outside marriage for example . in the west murder is a crime punishable by law .but in arab society and countries it is crime that society defend the perpetrator who killing women
      i dont have statistics for western countries ..the sample of my study is in Palestinian society .. thanks for your question i hope i was able to answer your question

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      Belen Perez Perez

      Comentó el 21/03/2024 a las 00:17:15

      How do these results differ from those obtained in Western countries, and do you have statistics that show the differences between Arab countries and between Arab countries and the West?

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